18 Oktober 2024

Adam Driver Reportedly Passed On Marvel’s Fantastic Four Role

3 min read

The casting of Marvel Studios’ Fantastic Four continues to be one of the biggest mysteries about the MCU’s future, and it looks like one of the big rumors around who could be leading the new iteration of Marvel’s first family in their full debut has just taken a battering. For a long while, Adam Driver has been one of the major front-runners to take the role, despite there being plenty of others who fans would rather see as Mr. Fantastic. Now it appears that Driver is out of the running, and more importantly has not been in it for some time.

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The latest update comes from The Hot Mic podcast with John Rocha and Jeff Sneider, and while that very podcast has previously claimed that Driver’s deal was done and dusted, Sneider was quick to acknowledge that the new details do contradict previous reports before explaining the Driver situation as he now believes it to stand. He said:

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“This contradicts some stuff some we’ve put out there in the past, but…this comes from someone apparently working on the Fantastic Four movie. They said that Adam Driver was never really engaged in this. They sent Adam Driver the script a while back and he said that he couldn’t connect with the character on the page, and he passed very early on.”

With the actor’s strike now in force in Hollywood, there is no way of telling when news of the Fantastic Four casting will finally be confirmed. Marvel will be looking to continue keeping the news under wraps, which is likely to frustrate fans even more than they are already.

Who Will Play The Fantastic Four in the MCU?

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Marvel Comics

Speculation over the casting of the Fantastic Four has been ongoing since it was announced that Marvel Studios would be rebooting the franchise again, this time as part of the MCU. While there have been some very basic details released about the movie itself, such as the fact it will not be an origin story, when it comes to the casting, there have been very few movies with such tight secrecy about them for such a long time.

Currently, there are plenty of stars in the frame for all four roles, from You’s Penn Badgley as Mr. Fantastic to Jodie Comer as Sue Storm, but it seems that one other person who will not be leading up the hero team is John Krasinski, who took on the role of Mr. Fantastic in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, but has seemingly debunked the chance of returning in longer-term commitment. Krasinski previously said:

“There aren’t any discussions at all, the only discussion I had was actually in the second-to-last week of Jack Ryan. Kevin Feige called and said would you ever fly to L.A. and play in our sandbox for a day? I was honored to do it. I flew right from Budapest when we wrapped and went right to the Doctor Strange set. I’m a big fan of all those characters and that world, so to get to play in that sandbox for one day was a real thrill.”

So for now, the quest for any kind of concrete evidence of who will play the leader of the Fantastic Four continues, but it looks like another front-runner has fallen in the race to the finish line.